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Andy Caughey • Oct 26, 2022

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Osteopathy can help

Some people’s bodies react badly to falling temperatures

Some people’s bodies react badly to falling temperatures. Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Osteopathy can help treat the symptoms.

Some people’s bodies react badly to falling temperatures. Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Osteopathy can help treat the symptoms.

The seasons are changing. Temperatures have dropped; the mornings are getting colder and the evenings are drawing in. 

And for some people, these changes in the weather can badly affect their bodies. Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? 

It’s unclear why some of us react to weather changes when others don’t. There are a few theories, the most popular relating to drops in baromic pressure. These drops can result in muscles, tendons and surrounding tissues expanding and causing pain, particularly to those with arthritic joints. 

Everyone reacts when baromic pressure fluctuates but if you already suffer from arthritis and chronic pain, you are going to be far more susceptible. 

Even if you aren’t vulnerable, the cold will naturally make you feel tight and tense. This can lead to reduced flexibility and mobility in the joints, making it hard to get moving. 

Plus if you find that your mood gets lower in the winter, your perception of pain can be magnified. 

However, there are certain things you can do to reduce the pain you feel in colder months:

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Choose your clothing sensibly

Layer your clothing to stay warm and ease the shock of the dropping temperature on your body. Cold fingers and toes can play havoc with your senses, so ensure you always have gloves and a thick pair of warm socks close by.

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Avoid winter weight gain

It’s not easy as winter usually means comfort food, without factoring in the food and drink you’re likely to consume over the festive season. However, it is important to maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on your knees and other joints. 

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Stay active 

The temptation is to hibernate at home when it’s cold outside but in reality, the best way to avoid pain and injury is to stay active. 

Choose activities and exercises that will build up your muscle and bone strength. Make sure you stretch before heading outside in order to loosen stiff joints.

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Enjoy a balanced diet

Osteopathy can help with stiffness and aches and pains Parkstone Osteopathy Poole

A healthy, balanced diet will help your body battle germs at any time of the year. In the winter, this is even more important. Try to avoid processed and sugary or fatty foods; opt for lean meat, fruit and vegetables and whole grains. This will help you to maintain a healthy weight and ensure that your body is getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs.  

Plus, did you know that you should drink just as much water in the winter as the summer? In the winter, the air is drier, causing you to feel dehydrated, tired and achy. So don’t forget to drink plenty of hot or cold fluids!

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Stay positive

Your state of mind can have a massive impact on your physical health. Do things you enjoy, spend time with loved ones, sleep well and stay positive. 

Does cold weather cause you pain and stiffness? Contact your local osteopath 

An osteopath can help you reduce the symptoms of aching joints and muscles. We can also offer advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle choices. 

Please call Parkstone Osteopaths on 01202 734211 for further information and to arrange an initial consultation. 

Andy Caughey Parkstone Osteopath in Poole, Dorset
Andy Caughey | Registered Osteopath

I hope you found this article of interest. If you have a question relating to this article or any of my others, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

I will always try and answer your question quickly and professionally. 
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